Hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal, including EGS, AGS and other extraction methods, potentially represents one of the cornerstones of a clean energy future. Accordingly, significant financial and other resources are being poised at scaling this, so far, difficult and costly energy form. However, dramatic improvements in fundamental extraction method design, drilling cost, and production efficacy must first be made in order for any meaningful climate, economic or other benefit is realized from HDR.
And there is a solution to geothermal's productivity and cost problems: a 5X to 30X increased output at 1/6 the cost solution.

Who We Are
Houston based DTS Technologies is a geothermal technology and geothermal resource developer. Our group is comprised of highly experienced SME’s, each with decades of global background, and hundreds of D&C construction, and fluid conformance projects and developments in temperature exceeding 600°F and 26,000’.
We have combined this experience and rearranged conventional geothermal practices into a vastly more productive and economic format called “DGS”. The DTS Geothermal System produces 5X to 30X more power than any geothermal method, doing so at a cost of $24/MWh, the lowest cost of any energy source. DTS also manufactures its own technology and certain costly standard products to assure geothermal cost sensibility for the long term.
Fundamental HDR Problems We Have Solved:
Conventional HDR methods suffer from 1) low heat access, 2) hydraulic short-circuiting, where working fluids flow along the path of least resistance instead of properly heating across HDR reservoir surfaces, and 3) nearly absent heat replenishment. The consequential lower production temperatures relegate current methods to the use of higher cost, lower efficiency ORC conversion systems. Such output may be less than 1/3 what is possible with flashed steam systems.
HDR method descriptions follow.
Conventional HDR Methods
Advanced Geothermal Systems (AGS) / Closed Loops ultimately consist simply of a wellbore and a production tubing…MORE
The Multi-Well Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) is a well-pair or triplet of injectors and producers drilled directionally or horizontally to create and then perpendicularly intersect a series of closely spaced hydraulic fractures. Acting essentially as single small points that more pass working fluid through the fracture’s broad surfaces instead of across them, the expected result is 1.5 MWe to 1.7 MWe output per well pair, even when producing intermittently. MWh output levels are substantially less if operated continuously. Although constructing the largest amount of potential heat exchange surface area of all standard HDR methods, multi-well EGS energy recovery is on the order of 6%.…MORE
Houston based DTS Technologies is a geothermal technology and geothermal resource developer. Our group is comprised of highly experienced SME’s, each with decades of global background, and hundreds of D&C construction, and fluid conformance projects and developments in temperature exceeding 600°F and 26,000’.
We have combined this experience and rearranged conventional geothermal practices into a vastly more productive and economic format called “DGS”. The DTS Geothermal System produces 5X to 30X more power than any geothermal method, doing so at a cost of $24/MWh, the lowest cost of any energy source. DTS also manufactures its own technology and certain costly standard products to assure geothermal cost sensibility for the long term.
Fundamental HDR Problems We Have Solved:
Conventional HDR methods suffer from 1) low heat access, 2) hydraulic short-circuiting, where working fluids flow along the path of least resistance instead of properly heating across HDR reservoir surfaces, and 3) nearly absent heat replenishment. The consequential lower production temperatures relegate current methods to the use of higher cost, lower efficiency ORC conversion systems. Such output may be less than 1/3 what is possible with flashed steam systems.
HDR method descriptions follow.
Conventional HDR Methods
Advanced Geothermal Systems (AGS) / Closed Loops ultimately consist simply of a wellbore and a production tubing…MORE
The Multi-Well Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) is a well-pair or triplet of injectors and producers drilled directionally or horizontally to create and then perpendicularly intersect a series of closely spaced hydraulic fractures. Acting essentially as single small points that more pass working fluid through the fracture’s broad surfaces instead of across them, the expected result is 1.5 MWe to 1.7 MWe output per well pair, even when producing intermittently. MWh output levels are substantially less if operated continuously. Although constructing the largest amount of potential heat exchange surface area of all standard HDR methods, multi-well EGS energy recovery is on the order of 6%.…MORE
Multi-Well EGS Productivity. Gross geothermal output is represented by the heat transfer formula: Q = m • c • dT
𝑄: Heat supplied to the system (gross energy, MWt)
𝑚: Mass of the system (Btu/kmole x °R, gallons per minute used)
𝑐: Heat (carrying) capacity of the system (= 42.9 for water, minor increase for brines, similar fluids)
Δ𝑇: Change (beginning – ending) in temperature of the system (conventional ORC lower limit = 175°F)
Available Wellhead Energy Example:
46.1 MWt = (1500 GPM X .00000333)(42.9)(400°F ORC inlet T - 185°F practical ORC lower limit)
Multiply Mean ORC Conversion Efficiency:
4.61 MWh = Net of 10% ORC Efficiency
Actual Multi-Well EGS Output = MWt X ORC Conversion Efficiency, Minus the System's Parasitic Loads:
2.90 MWe = (46.1 MWt)(10% ORC Efficiency)(29% Injection Parasitic Load)(15% Air Cooling Parasitic Load)
Accordingly, Actual Multi-Well EGS Productivity (Beginning only, before declining 40% to 55% to steady state, and not inclusive of 10% to grid losses):
𝑄: Heat supplied to the system (gross energy, MWt)
𝑚: Mass of the system (Btu/kmole x °R, gallons per minute used)
𝑐: Heat (carrying) capacity of the system (= 42.9 for water, minor increase for brines, similar fluids)
Δ𝑇: Change (beginning – ending) in temperature of the system (conventional ORC lower limit = 175°F)
Available Wellhead Energy Example:
46.1 MWt = (1500 GPM X .00000333)(42.9)(400°F ORC inlet T - 185°F practical ORC lower limit)
Multiply Mean ORC Conversion Efficiency:
4.61 MWh = Net of 10% ORC Efficiency
Actual Multi-Well EGS Output = MWt X ORC Conversion Efficiency, Minus the System's Parasitic Loads:
2.90 MWe = (46.1 MWt)(10% ORC Efficiency)(29% Injection Parasitic Load)(15% Air Cooling Parasitic Load)
Accordingly, Actual Multi-Well EGS Productivity (Beginning only, before declining 40% to 55% to steady state, and not inclusive of 10% to grid losses):

The Answer to The Call
DTS Technologies meets the call by government agencies and investors in geothermal technology alike to cut EGS and related well counts, dramatically reduce costs, and produce energy at economically attractive and environmentally impactful levels. The proprietary DTS Geothermal System, or “DGS”, is the solution, capable of 5X to 30X more energy production than any HDR method or typical hydrothermal resource. Producing at $24/MWh, the lowest cost of all sources, DGS is considered the sole means to scalable utility-level geothermal.

SINGLE WELL DGS. “DGS,” is EGS re-arranged into a substantially more productive and economic format. Because ever increasing heat is found at depth vertically, the first step towards higher geothermal output is reorientation of the drilling exactly the opposite of the currently horizontal practice. Then, because induced reservoirs are also vertically inclined, the next step, for the purposes of enabling both injection and producing functionality from a single well, is to align the drilling trajectory with that of the reservoir. By this action, the entire reservoir height and volume can become hydraulically connected with the well annulus and heat carrying fluid then directly supplied and returned, flowing through the well’s perforations that connect to the reservoir.
Elimination of Needless Wells
The traditional EGS need to drill second or third wells is thereby eliminated, as production can now simply flow to the surface through the production tubing assembly. However, without some means of control, fluids newly present in the reservoir would simply short-circuit and return to the well annulus
post haste, not becoming heated.
DGS Technology
Central to DGS is construction of flow diverting structures that cause working fluids to flow far away from the wellbore – upwards of ½ mile, and in two opposing directions. Such diverters, made from environmentally inert materials or from the native rock itself, divide the reservoirs into upper and lower halves. Once flowed the first ½ mile across the upper reservoir section, the working fluids round the barrier’s end, travel another ½ mile across the reservoir’s lower half, ultimately returning superheated. Through a full DGS installation of 15 reservoirs, fluids travel some 30 miles during 40+ hours, contacting 60 million ft.2 of 350°F to 750°F+ HDR, and producing 700°F+ water to the surface at 1300 GPM.
Elimination of Needless Wells
The traditional EGS need to drill second or third wells is thereby eliminated, as production can now simply flow to the surface through the production tubing assembly. However, without some means of control, fluids newly present in the reservoir would simply short-circuit and return to the well annulus
post haste, not becoming heated.
DGS Technology
Central to DGS is construction of flow diverting structures that cause working fluids to flow far away from the wellbore – upwards of ½ mile, and in two opposing directions. Such diverters, made from environmentally inert materials or from the native rock itself, divide the reservoirs into upper and lower halves. Once flowed the first ½ mile across the upper reservoir section, the working fluids round the barrier’s end, travel another ½ mile across the reservoir’s lower half, ultimately returning superheated. Through a full DGS installation of 15 reservoirs, fluids travel some 30 miles during 40+ hours, contacting 60 million ft.2 of 350°F to 750°F+ HDR, and producing 700°F+ water to the surface at 1300 GPM.

DGS baseload well productivity ranges from 30 MWe through its early periods, to 15 MWe during the 20 years of production towards steady state. Such productivity rivals among the best hydrothermal wells anywhere. Attaining high level performance across several criteria is required for such output: 1) most abundant heat, 2) high sweep-recovery efficiency from massive reservoir volumes, 3) high flow capacity, and 4) lengthy reservoir spacing for heat replenishment purposes. These factors are explained:
1) Maximum Heat – Drilling vertically accesses 50% more heat, as compared with horizontal. For example, the average producing interval temperature in a basic 350°F to 750°F vertical DGS model is 550°F. A horizontal well of the same length and in the same conditions would see 375°F. DGS is estimated deployable to 1000°F.
2) 90%+ Thermal-Hydraulic Sweep Efficacy DGS’s co-planar alignment and full hydraulic connection between the wellbore and reservoirs enables controlled flows and communication across reservoirs. Flow controlled sweep is managed by tuning system inlet and outlet perforation area
and positioning of the diverting
DGS baseload well productivity ranges from 30 MWe through its early periods, to 15 MWe during the 20 years of production towards steady state. Such productivity rivals among the best hydrothermal wells anywhere. Attaining high level performance across several criteria is required for such output: 1) most abundant heat, 2) high sweep-recovery efficiency from massive reservoir volumes, 3) high flow capacity, and 4) lengthy reservoir spacing for heat replenishment purposes. These factors are explained:
1) Maximum Heat – Drilling vertically accesses 50% more heat, as compared with horizontal. For example, the average producing interval temperature in a basic 350°F to 750°F vertical DGS model is 550°F. A horizontal well of the same length and in the same conditions would see 375°F. DGS is estimated deployable to 1000°F.
2) 90%+ Thermal-Hydraulic Sweep Efficacy DGS’s co-planar alignment and full hydraulic connection between the wellbore and reservoirs enables controlled flows and communication across reservoirs. Flow controlled sweep is managed by tuning system inlet and outlet perforation area
and positioning of the diverting

The range of unsubsidized utility cost to produce electricity on a LCOE basis can be nearly ten-fold, from $24/MWh to over $220/MWh. Current HDR costs are at the higher end of the spectrum, traditional hydrothermal is in the middle. DGS shares status as the lowest of all sources with the best performing solar and wind types at $24/MWh. Performance in three areas achieve the status:
1. Generally High Power Output and Low Drilling CAPEX. Starts with drilling single wells vertically into 750°F+ rock. 90%+ heat sweep efficiency of massively sized reservoirs that are separated by more than 1000’, allowing for baseload regeneration then follows.
2. Conversion Efficiency. High baseload capability is tantamount to maintaining production temperature levels to move from ORC to flash conversion, or from 10% conversion efficiency to 30%. Flash systems offer the further benefits of one-half CAPEX outlay, no cooling gas expense burden, and principal maintenance occurring every other year.
3. Parasitic Loads Cost. Most HDR requires reinjection, cooling, and other losses that consume 40%+ of gross production. Venting or ORC or other cooling disposes of another 15%. DGS avoids each of these costs and loss of resource by inducing a strong vacuum to the wells’ annular inlet that pulls recirculating fluids in rather than require pumping. The vacuum is created by cooler, heavier annular fluids pushing the hotter, lighter fluids traveling up the production string. Vacuum, pulled also through turbines, assists with evacuation and condensing functions, thereby substantially eliminating the needs for external cooling or loss of heat resource to the atmosphere.
See how we have eliminated all of geothermal’s traditional problems and how we are enabling our greatest natural energy and carbon mitigating source HERE
(C) DTS Technologies, LLC 2024. All rights reserved.